July 4th Boat Parade!

June 6, 2024
There has been some interest in having a boat parade on the 4th of July this year (2024). Thanks Marnie for all of your efforts in putting this together! 

Check out the flyer Marnie created for more information.

Power Loading Ordinance

August 11, 2023
Click here to view the new Wisconsin power-loading ordinance.
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24th Annual Mallard Lake Association Picnic

August 1, 2023
The 24th annual Mallard Lake Association picnic will take place on August 12, 2023 at 3762 Norman's Landing Road. 

The picnic starts at 3pm with food being served starting around 4pm.

Main dish, soft drinks, and water will be provided. BYOB, a dish to share and lawn chairs.

Click here to view a copy of the picnic flyer. Or click here to learn more about the adult/child fishing tournament.

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Zebra Mussel Forum - February 2nd, 2023

January 17, 2023
Interested in learning more about the potential impacts of zebra mussels on the lakes in the Mallard Lake area? Check out this upcoming zebra mussel forum on Thursday, February 2, 2023. The event will be hosted virtually. See the flyer for all of the details.

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2014 Annual Lake Association Meeting

June 3, 2014
This year the annual Mallard Lake association meeting will be held on Saturday June 14th at the Jackson Township Fire Hall.  The meeting will start at 10:00 am and will end by 12:00 pm.
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15th Annual Mallard Lake Social & Picnic

July 16, 2013
This years Picnic will be hosted by Tim & Kelly Heuer and Mike & Barb Brunner at 3893 Mallard Lake Road on Saturday August 10th.  It will begin at 3:00 and the association will provide burgers, buns, soft drinks, water, and paper products. Other beverages are welcome, so feel free to bring whatever you would like to drink.  Please bring lawn chairs and a DISH to share.  

Feel free to bring friends that are visiting for the weekend. 
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Stolen Property Over The Winter

May 23, 2012
Gerry Schmidt sent me a note about some of his property being stolen over the winter.  When he came up to open his cabin on May 5th, he found that his canoe, "Whites" fishing boat, trailer, and aluminum ladder were all missing.  Gerry's thought is that the thieves took these items to be sold for the aluminum.  Please be certain to secure your belongings and keep an eye out for suspicious activities around the area.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention Gerry.

Tim Heuer
Mallard Lake Associ...
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WI Special Session Senate Bill 24 (SS SB24),

October 25, 2011

Mallard Lake Association Inc. is a member of the Wisconsin Association of Lakes and helps to fund their efforts.

October 24, 2011
Weakening decades of sound environmental policy in two weeks - thoughtful policy or special interests? ~ Ask you legislators which they stand for!
Ask them to object to Special Session Bill SB24/AB24.

To read today's press release from Wisconsin Lakes on SB24, clickHere.

Contact your legislators or attend the public...

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